Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Keeping up with the Joneses...

It has been pretty hard to keep up with the Joneses lately...at least the two younger ones. It's amazing how much Oliver has changed. One minute he's my little guy who needs me to rock him to sleep and the next he's cruising independently around the house. Let's see, on May 18th he decided to crawl for the first time...

The pic is a little blurry, but once he started movin' it was hard to keep him still for an instant...

Then the next day, literally, Mr. Man decided to sprout a tooth and then two days later another. In between he started saying Dada. If you look really closely you can see those bottom teeth. He's a little grumpy here because I keep trying to photograph his mouth and apparently that's annoying.

Graham has been obsessed with making lemonade lately. Drinking it? Not so much. But he wants to make a new pitcher almost daily, so I'm downing it as fast as I can. He is just too cute in that apron...

Okay, this picture pertains to nothing, but look how cute he is...I *might* be a little obsessed at staring at the boys while they sleep.

Then we had the boys' dedication at church. Here's their screen shot. Beautiful day. So lucky to be their mommy.

Of course Mr. Jones has been busy too. He had a little birthday and I must say he's the handsomest 33 year old I know. In his spare time he's working on the Trans Am....

When I'm not enjoying my guys, I've been baking a little. These are cake batter cookies from Pinterest. I made them for our church group last night and it totally earned me some cred as a baker. They are yummy!

Can't wait to see what all this summer vay-cay holds!

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